# Dice Imports
# Pytorch
import torch
import torch.utils.data
from torch.nn import functional as F
from dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.explainer_base import ExplainerBase
from dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.feasible_base_vae import FeasibleBaseVAE
from dice_ml.utils.helpers import get_base_gen_cf_initialization
[docs]class FeasibleModelApprox(FeasibleBaseVAE, ExplainerBase):
def __init__(self, data_interface, model_interface, **kwargs):
:param data_interface: an interface class to data related params
:param model_interface: an interface class to access trained ML model
# initiating data related parameters
ExplainerBase.__init__(self, data_interface)
# Black Box ML Model to be explained
self.pred_model = model_interface.model
self.minx, self.maxx, self.encoded_categorical_feature_indexes, \
self.encoded_continuous_feature_indexes, self.cont_minx, self.cont_maxx, self.cont_precisions = \
self.data_interface.one_hot_encoded_data = self.data_interface.one_hot_encode_data(self.data_interface.data_df)
# Hyperparam
self.encoded_size = kwargs['encoded_size']
self.learning_rate = kwargs['lr']
self.batch_size = kwargs['batch_size']
self.validity_reg = kwargs['validity_reg']
self.margin = kwargs['margin']
self.epochs = kwargs['epochs']
self.wm1 = kwargs['wm1']
self.wm2 = kwargs['wm2']
self.wm3 = kwargs['wm3']
# Initializing parameters for the DiceModelApproxGenCF
self.vae_train_dataset, self.vae_val_dataset, self.vae_test_dataset, self.normalise_weights, \
self.cf_vae, self.cf_vae_optimizer = \
self.data_interface, self.encoded_size, self.cont_minx,
self.cont_maxx, self.margin, self.validity_reg, self.epochs,
self.wm1, self.wm2, self.wm3, self.learning_rate)
# Data paths
self.base_model_dir = '../../../dice_ml/utils/sample_trained_models/'
self.save_path = self.base_model_dir + self.data_interface.data_name + \
'-margin-' + str(self.margin) + '-validity_reg-' + str(self.validity_reg) + \
'-epoch-' + str(self.epochs) + '-' + 'ae-gen' + '.pth'
[docs] def train(self, constraint_type, constraint_variables, constraint_direction, constraint_reg, pre_trained=False):
:param pre_trained: Bool Variable to check whether pre trained model exists to avoid training again
:param constraint_type: Binary Variable currently: (1) unary / (0) monotonic
:param constraint_variables: List of List: [[Effect, Cause1, Cause2, .... ]]
:param constraint_direction: -1: Negative, 1: Positive ( By default has to be one for monotonic constraints )
:param constraint_reg: Tunable Hyperparamter
:return None
if pre_trained:
# TODO: Handling such dataset specific constraints in a more general way
# CF Generation for only low to high income data points
self.vae_train_dataset = self.vae_train_dataset[self.vae_train_dataset[:, -1] == 0, :]
self.vae_val_dataset = self.vae_val_dataset[self.vae_val_dataset[:, -1] == 0, :]
# Removing the outcome variable from the datasets
self.vae_train_feat = self.vae_train_dataset[:, :-1]
self.vae_val_feat = self.vae_val_dataset[:, :-1]
for epoch in range(self.epochs):
batch_num = 0
train_loss = 0.0
train_size = 0
train_dataset = torch.tensor(self.vae_train_feat).float()
train_dataset = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True)
for train in enumerate(train_dataset):
train_x = train[1]
train_y = 1.0-torch.argmax(self.pred_model(train_x), dim=1)
train_size += train_x.shape[0]
out = self.cf_vae(train_x, train_y)
loss = self.compute_loss(out, train_x, train_y)
# Unary Case
if constraint_type:
for const in constraint_variables:
# Get the index from the feature name
# Handle the categorical variable case here too
const_idx = const[0]
dm = out['x_pred']
mc_samples = out['mc_samples']
x_pred = dm[0]
constraint_loss = F.hinge_embedding_loss(
constraint_direction*(x_pred[:, const_idx] - train_x[:, const_idx]), torch.tensor(-1), 0)
for j in range(1, mc_samples):
x_pred = dm[j]
constraint_loss += F.hinge_embedding_loss(
constraint_direction*(x_pred[:, const_idx] - train_x[:, const_idx]), torch.tensor(-1), 0)
constraint_loss = constraint_loss/mc_samples
constraint_loss = constraint_reg*constraint_loss
loss += constraint_loss
print('Constraint: ', constraint_loss, torch.mean(constraint_loss))
# Train the regression model
raise NotImplementedError(
"This has not been implemented yet. If you'd like this to be implemented in the next version, "
"please raise an issue at https://github.com/interpretml/DiCE/issues")
train_loss += loss.item()
batch_num += 1
ret = loss/batch_num
print('Train Avg Loss: ', ret, train_size)
# Save the model after training every 10 epochs and at the last epoch
if (epoch != 0 and (epoch % 10) == 0) or epoch == self.epochs-1:
torch.save(self.cf_vae.state_dict(), self.save_path)