Source code for dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.dice_tensorflow1

Module to generate diverse counterfactual explanations based on tensorflow 1.x
import collections
import copy
import random
import timeit

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from dice_ml import diverse_counterfactuals as exp
from dice_ml.counterfactual_explanations import CounterfactualExplanations
from dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.explainer_base import ExplainerBase

[docs]class DiceTensorFlow1(ExplainerBase): def __init__(self, data_interface, model_interface): """Init method :param data_interface: an interface class to access data related params. :param model_interface: an interface class to access trained ML model. """ # initiating data related parameters super().__init__(data_interface) # initializing model related variables self.model = model_interface self.model.load_model() # loading trained model self.model.transformer.feed_data_params(data_interface) self.model.transformer.initialize_transform_func() # temp data to create some attributes like encoded feature names temp_ohe_data = self.model.transformer.transform(self.data_interface.data_df.iloc[[0]]) self.data_interface.create_ohe_params(temp_ohe_data) self.minx, self.maxx, self.encoded_categorical_feature_indexes, \ self.encoded_continuous_feature_indexes, self.cont_minx, \ self.cont_maxx, self.cont_precisions = self.data_interface.get_data_params_for_gradient_dice() # create TensorFLow session if one is not already created if tf.get_default_session() is not None: self.dice_sess = tf.get_default_session() else: self.dice_sess = tf.InteractiveSession() self.input_tensor = tf.Variable(self.minx, dtype=tf.float32) # placeholder variables for model predictions self.output_tensor = self.model.get_output(self.input_tensor) # number of output nodes of ML model self.num_output_nodes = self.model.get_num_output_nodes(len(self.data_interface.ohe_encoded_feature_names))).shape[1] # hyperparameter initializations self.weights = [] self.weights_inits = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=()) self.weights_assign = [] for i in range(3): self.weights.append(tf.Variable(1.0, dtype=tf.float32)) self.weights_assign.append(tf.assign(self.weights[i], self.weights_inits)) self.hyperparameters = [] # proximity_weight, diversity_weight, categorical_penalty self.cf_init_weights = [] # total_CFs, algorithm, features_to_vary self.loss_weights = [] # yloss_type, diversity_loss_type, feature_weights self.optimizer_weights = [] # optimizer
[docs] def generate_counterfactuals(self, query_instance, total_CFs, desired_class="opposite", proximity_weight=0.5, diversity_weight=1.0, categorical_penalty=0.1, algorithm="DiverseCF", features_to_vary="all", permitted_range=None, yloss_type="hinge_loss", diversity_loss_type="dpp_style:inverse_dist", feature_weights="inverse_mad", optimizer="tensorflow:adam", learning_rate=0.05, min_iter=500, max_iter=5000, project_iter=0, loss_diff_thres=1e-5, loss_converge_maxiter=1, verbose=False, init_near_query_instance=True, tie_random=False, stopping_threshold=0.5, posthoc_sparsity_param=0.1, posthoc_sparsity_algorithm="linear", limit_steps_ls=10000): """Generates diverse counterfactual explanations :param query_instance: Test point of interest. A dictionary of feature names and values or a single row dataframe. :param total_CFs: Total number of counterfactuals required. :param desired_class: Desired counterfactual class - can take 0 or 1. Default value is "opposite" to the outcome class of query_instance for binary classification. :param proximity_weight: A positive float. Larger this weight, more close the counterfactuals are to the query_instance. :param diversity_weight: A positive float. Larger this weight, more diverse the counterfactuals are. :param categorical_penalty: A positive float. A weight to ensure that all levels of a categorical variable sums to 1. :param algorithm: Counterfactual generation algorithm. Either "DiverseCF" or "RandomInitCF". :param features_to_vary: Either a string "all" or a list of feature names to vary. :param permitted_range: Dictionary with continuous feature names as keys and permitted min-max range in list as values. Defaults to the range inferred from training data. If None, uses the parameters initialized in data_interface. :param yloss_type: Metric for y-loss of the optimization function. Takes "l2_loss" or "log_loss" or "hinge_loss". :param diversity_loss_type: Metric for diversity loss of the optimization function. Takes "avg_dist" or "dpp_style:inverse_dist". :param feature_weights: Either "inverse_mad" or a dictionary with feature names as keys and corresponding weights as values. Default option is "inverse_mad" where the weight for a continuous feature is the inverse of the Median Absolute Devidation (MAD) of the feature's values in the training set; the weight for a categorical feature is equal to 1 by default. :param optimizer: Tensorflow optimization algorithm. Currently tested only with "tensorflow:adam". :param learning_rate: Learning rate for optimizer. :param min_iter: Min iterations to run gradient descent for. :param max_iter: Max iterations to run gradient descent for. :param project_iter: Project the gradients at an interval of these many iterations. :param loss_diff_thres: Minimum difference between successive loss values to check convergence. :param loss_converge_maxiter: Maximum number of iterations for loss_diff_thres to hold to declare convergence. Defaults to 1, but we assigned a more conservative value of 2 in the paper. :param verbose: Print intermediate loss value. :param init_near_query_instance: Boolean to indicate if counterfactuals are to be initialized near query_instance. :param tie_random: Used in rounding off CFs and intermediate projection. :param stopping_threshold: Minimum threshold for counterfactuals target class probability. :param posthoc_sparsity_param: Parameter for the post-hoc operation on continuous features to enhance sparsity. :param posthoc_sparsity_algorithm: Perform either linear or binary search. Takes "linear" or "binary". Prefer binary search when a feature range is large (for instance, income varying from 10k to 1000k) and only if the features share a monotonic relationship with predicted outcome in the model. :param limit_steps_ls: Defines an upper limit for the linear search step in the posthoc_sparsity_enhancement :return: A CounterfactualExamples object to store and visualize the resulting counterfactual explanations (see """ # check feature MAD validity and throw warnings if feature_weights == "inverse_mad": self.data_interface.get_valid_mads(display_warnings=True, return_mads=False) # check permitted range for continuous features if permitted_range is not None: self.data_interface.permitted_range = permitted_range self.minx, self.maxx = self.data_interface.get_minx_maxx(normalized=True) self.cont_minx = [] self.cont_maxx = [] for feature in self.data_interface.continuous_feature_names: self.cont_minx.append(self.data_interface.permitted_range[feature][0]) self.cont_maxx.append(self.data_interface.permitted_range[feature][1]) if ([total_CFs, algorithm, features_to_vary, yloss_type, diversity_loss_type, feature_weights, optimizer] != (self.cf_init_weights + self.loss_weights + self.optimizer_weights)): self.do_cf_initializations(total_CFs, algorithm, features_to_vary) self.do_loss_initializations(yloss_type, diversity_loss_type, feature_weights) self.do_optimizer_initializations(optimizer) """ Future Support: We have three main components in our tensorflow graph: (1) initialization of tf.variables (2) defining ops for loss function initializations, and (3) defining ops for optimizer initializations. Need to define methods to delete some nodes from a tensorflow graphs or update variables/ops in a tensorflow graph dynamically, so that only those components corresponding to the variables that are updated change. """ # check if hyperparameters are to be updated if not collections.Counter([proximity_weight, diversity_weight, categorical_penalty]) == \ collections.Counter(self.hyperparameters): self.update_hyperparameters(proximity_weight, diversity_weight, categorical_penalty) final_cfs_df, test_instance_df, final_cfs_df_sparse = self.find_counterfactuals( query_instance, limit_steps_ls, desired_class, learning_rate, min_iter, max_iter, project_iter, loss_diff_thres, loss_converge_maxiter, verbose, init_near_query_instance, tie_random, stopping_threshold, posthoc_sparsity_param, posthoc_sparsity_algorithm) counterfactual_explanations = exp.CounterfactualExamples( data_interface=self.data_interface, final_cfs_df=final_cfs_df, test_instance_df=test_instance_df, final_cfs_df_sparse=final_cfs_df_sparse, posthoc_sparsity_param=posthoc_sparsity_param, desired_class=desired_class) return CounterfactualExplanations(cf_examples_list=[counterfactual_explanations])
[docs] def do_cf_initializations(self, total_CFs, algorithm, features_to_vary): """Intializes TF variables required for CF generation.""" self.cf_init_weights = [total_CFs, algorithm, features_to_vary] if algorithm == "RandomInitCF": # no. of times to run the experiment with random inits for diversity self.total_random_inits = total_CFs self.total_CFs = 1 # size of counterfactual set else: self.total_random_inits = 0 self.total_CFs = total_CFs # size of counterfactual set # a placeholder for original instance self.x1 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(1, self.minx.shape[1])) # target CF placeholder self.target_cf = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (1, 1)) # learning rate for GD self.learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, ()) # CF initializations self.cfs = [] self.cf_init = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=(1, self.minx.shape[1])) self.cf_assign = [] for i in range(self.total_CFs): self.cfs.append(tf.Variable(self.minx, dtype=tf.float32)) self.cf_assign.append(tf.assign(self.cfs[i], self.cf_init)) # freezing those columns that need to be fixed self.feat_to_vary_idxs = self.data_interface.get_indexes_of_features_to_vary(features_to_vary=features_to_vary) frozen_dims = np.array([[1.0 if ix in self.feat_to_vary_idxs else 0.0 for ix in range(self.minx.shape[1])]]) self.cfs_frozen = [] for i in range(self.total_CFs): frozen = tf.multiply(self.cfs[i], tf.constant( frozen_dims, dtype=tf.float32)) self.cfs_frozen.append( frozen + tf.stop_gradient(-frozen + self.cfs[i])) # Future Support: a dictionary of options for optimizers, only checked with tensorflow optimizers: # need to check with others self.optimizers_options = { "tensorflow": self.tensorflow_optimizers, "scipy": self.scipy_optimizers }
[docs] def predict_fn(self, input_instance): """prediction function""" temp_preds =, feed_dict={self.input_tensor: input_instance}) return np.array([preds[(self.num_output_nodes-1):] for preds in temp_preds])
[docs] def predict_fn_for_sparsity(self, input_instance): """prediction function for sparsity correction""" input_instance = self.model.transformer.transform(input_instance).to_numpy() return self.predict_fn(input_instance)
[docs] def compute_yloss(self, method): """Computes the first part (y-loss) of the loss function.""" yloss = 0.0 for i in range(self.total_CFs): if method == "l2_loss": temp_loss = tf.square(tf.subtract( self.model.get_output(self.cfs_frozen[i]), self.target_cf)) temp_loss = temp_loss[:, (self.num_output_nodes-1):][0][0] elif method == "log_loss": temp_logits = tf.log( tf.divide( tf.abs(tf.subtract(self.model.get_output(self.cfs_frozen[i]), 0.000001)), tf.subtract(1.0, tf.abs(tf.subtract(self.model.get_output( self.cfs_frozen[i]), 0.000001))))) temp_logits = temp_logits[:, (self.num_output_nodes-1):] temp_loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=temp_logits, labels=self.target_cf)[0][0] elif method == "hinge_loss": temp_logits = tf.log( tf.divide( tf.abs(tf.subtract(self.model.get_output(self.cfs_frozen[i]), 0.000001)), tf.subtract(1.0, tf.abs(tf.subtract(self.model.get_output(self.cfs_frozen[i]), 0.000001))))) temp_logits = temp_logits[:, (self.num_output_nodes-1):] temp_loss = tf.losses.hinge_loss( logits=temp_logits, labels=self.target_cf) yloss = tf.add(yloss, temp_loss) return tf.divide(yloss, tf.cast(self.total_CFs, dtype=tf.float32))
[docs] def compute_dist(self, x_hat, x1): """Compute weighted distance between two vectors.""" return tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(tf.abs(tf.subtract(x_hat, x1)), self.feature_weights))
[docs] def compute_proximity_loss(self): """Compute the second part (distance from x1) of the loss function.""" proximity_loss = 0.0 for i in range(self.total_CFs): proximity_loss = tf.add(proximity_loss, self.compute_dist( self.cfs_frozen[i], self.x1)) return tf.divide(proximity_loss, tf.cast(tf.multiply(len(self.minx[0]), self.total_CFs), dtype=tf.float32))
[docs] def dpp_style(self, submethod): """Computes the DPP of a matrix.""" det_entries = [] if submethod == "inverse_dist": for i in range(self.total_CFs): for j in range(self.total_CFs): det_temp_entry = tf.divide(1.0, tf.add( 1.0, self.compute_dist(self.cfs_frozen[i], self.cfs_frozen[j]))) if i == j: det_temp_entry = tf.add(det_temp_entry, 0.0001) det_entries.append(det_temp_entry) elif submethod == "exponential_dist": for i in range(self.total_CFs): for j in range(self.total_CFs): det_temp_entry = tf.divide(1.0, tf.exp( self.compute_dist(self.cfs_frozen[i], self.cfs_frozen[j]))) det_entries.append(det_temp_entry) det_entries = tf.reshape(det_entries, [self.total_CFs, self.total_CFs]) diversity_loss = tf.matrix_determinant(det_entries) return diversity_loss
[docs] def compute_diversity_loss(self, method): """Computes the third part (diversity) of the loss function.""" if self.total_CFs == 1: return tf.constant(0.0) if "dpp" in method: submethod = method.split(':')[1] return tf.reduce_sum(self.dpp_style(submethod)) elif method == "avg_dist": diversity_loss = 0.0 count = 0.0 # computing pairwise distance and transforming it to normalized similarity for i in range(self.total_CFs): for j in range(i+1, self.total_CFs): count += 1.0 diversity_loss = tf.add( diversity_loss, tf.divide(1.0, tf.add(1.0, self.compute_dist(self.cfs_frozen[i], self.cfs_frozen[j])))) return tf.subtract(1.0, tf.divide(diversity_loss, count))
[docs] def compute_regularization_loss(self): """Adds a linear equality constraints to the loss functions - to ensure all levels of a categorical variable sums to one""" regularization_loss = tf.constant(0.0) for i in range(self.total_CFs): for v in self.encoded_categorical_feature_indexes: regularization_loss = tf.add(regularization_loss, tf.square(tf.subtract( tf.reduce_sum(self.cfs_frozen[i][0, v[0]:v[-1]+1]), 1.0))) return regularization_loss
[docs] def do_loss_initializations(self, yloss_type="hinge_loss", diversity_loss_type="dpp_style:inverse_dist", feature_weights="inverse_mad"): """Defines the optimization loss""" # define the loss parts self.yloss_type = yloss_type self.diversity_loss_type = diversity_loss_type self.loss_weights = [self.yloss_type, self.diversity_loss_type, feature_weights] # loss part 1: y-loss self.yloss = self.compute_yloss(self.yloss_type) # loss part 2: similarity between CFs and original instance if feature_weights == "inverse_mad": normalized_mads = self.data_interface.get_valid_mads(normalized=True) feature_weights = {} for feature in normalized_mads: feature_weights[feature] = round(1/normalized_mads[feature], 2) feature_weights_list = [] for feature in self.data_interface.ohe_encoded_feature_names: if feature in feature_weights: feature_weights_list.append(feature_weights[feature]) else: feature_weights_list.append(1.0) feature_weights_list = [feature_weights_list] self.feature_weights = tf.Variable(self.minx, dtype=tf.float32) tf.assign(self.feature_weights, np.array(feature_weights_list, dtype=np.float32))) self.proximity_loss = self.compute_proximity_loss() # loss part 3: diversity between CFs if self.total_random_inits > 0: # random initialization method self.diversity_loss = tf.constant(0.0, dtype=tf.float32) else: self.diversity_loss = self.compute_diversity_loss(self.diversity_loss_type) # loss part 4: diversity between CFs self.regularization_loss = self.compute_regularization_loss() # final loss: self.loss = tf.add( tf.subtract( tf.add(self.yloss, tf.scalar_mul( self.weights[0], self.proximity_loss)), tf.scalar_mul( self.weights[1], self.diversity_loss)), tf.scalar_mul( self.weights[2], self.regularization_loss))
[docs] def tensorflow_optimizers(self, method="adam"): """Initializes tensorflow optimizers.""" if method == "adam": opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate, name='myadam') # opt = tf.contrib.optimizer_v2.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate) elif method == "rmsprop": opt = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(self.learning_rate) optim_step = opt.minimize(self.loss, var_list=self.cfs) return opt, optim_step
# Future Support: implement scipt wrappers
[docs] def scipy_optimizers(self, method="Nelder-Mead"): opt = tf.contrib.opt.ScipyOptimizerInterface( self.loss, var_list=self.cfs, method='Nelder-Mead') optim_step = opt.minimize(self.loss, var_list=self.cfs) return optim_step
[docs] def initialize_CFs(self, query_instance, init_near_query_instance=False): """Initialize counterfactuals.""" inits = [] for n in range(self.total_CFs): one_init = [] for i in range(len(self.minx[0])): if i in self.feat_to_vary_idxs: if init_near_query_instance: one_init.append(query_instance[0][i]+(n*0.01)) else: one_init.append(np.random.uniform(self.minx[0][i], self.maxx[0][i])) else: one_init.append(query_instance[0][i]) inits.append(np.array([one_init])) return inits
[docs] def do_optimizer_initializations(self, optimizer): """Initializes gradient-based TF optimizers.""" self.optimizer_weights = [optimizer] opt_library = optimizer.split(':')[0] opt_method = optimizer.split(':')[1] # optimization step self.opt, self.optim_step = self.optimizers_options[opt_library](opt_method) self.opt_vars = self.opt.variables() self.reset_optimizer_op = tf.variables_initializer(self.opt_vars)
[docs] def update_hyperparameters(self, proximity_weight=0.5, diversity_weight=0.5, categorical_penalty=0.1): """Updates hyperparameters.""" self.hyperparameters = [proximity_weight, diversity_weight, categorical_penalty][0], feed_dict={self.weights_inits: proximity_weight}) if self.total_random_inits > 0:[1], feed_dict={ self.weights_inits: 0.0}) else:[1], feed_dict={ self.weights_inits: diversity_weight}) # just sanity check. anyways, the loss part is made to 0.[2], feed_dict={self.weights_inits: categorical_penalty})
[docs] def round_off_cfs(self, assign=False): """function for intermediate projection of CFs.""" temp_cfs = [] for index, tcf in enumerate(self.cfs): cf = for i, v in enumerate(self.encoded_continuous_feature_indexes): # continuous feature in orginal scale org_cont = (cf[0, v]*(self.cont_maxx[i] - self.cont_minx[i])) + self.cont_minx[i] org_cont = round(org_cont, self.cont_precisions[i]) # rounding off normalized_cont = (org_cont - self.cont_minx[i])/(self.cont_maxx[i] - self.cont_minx[i]) cf[0, v] = normalized_cont # assign the projected continuous value for v in self.encoded_categorical_feature_indexes: maxs = np.argwhere( cf[0, v[0]:v[-1]+1] == np.amax(cf[0, v[0]:v[-1]+1])).flatten().tolist() if len(maxs) > 1: if self.tie_random: ix = random.choice(maxs) else: ix = maxs[0] else: ix = maxs[0] for vi in range(len(v)): if vi == ix: cf[0, v[vi]] = 1.0 else: cf[0, v[vi]] = 0.0 temp_cfs.append(cf) if assign:[index], feed_dict={ self.cf_init: cf}) if assign: return None else: return temp_cfs
[docs] def stop_loop(self, itr, loss_diff): """Determines the stopping condition for gradient descent.""" # intermediate projections if self.project_iter > 0 and itr > 0: if itr % self.project_iter == 0: self.round_off_cfs(assign=True) # do GD for min iterations if itr < self.min_iter: return False # stop GD if max iter is reached if itr >= self.max_iter: return True # else stop when loss diff is small & all CFs are valid (less or greater than a stopping threshold) if loss_diff <= self.loss_diff_thres: self.loss_converge_iter += 1 if self.loss_converge_iter < self.loss_converge_maxiter: return False else: temp_cfs = self.round_off_cfs(assign=False) cfs_preds = [self.predict_fn(cf) for cf in temp_cfs] test_preds = [np.round(preds.flatten().tolist(), 3) for preds in cfs_preds] test_preds = [ item for sublist in test_preds for item in sublist] if self.target_cf_class[0][0] == 0 and all(i <= self.stopping_threshold for i in test_preds): self.converged = True return True elif self.target_cf_class[0][0] == 1 and all(i >= self.stopping_threshold for i in test_preds): self.converged = True return True else: return False else: self.loss_converge_iter = 0 return False
[docs] def find_counterfactuals(self, query_instance, limit_steps_ls, desired_class="opposite", learning_rate=0.05, min_iter=500, max_iter=5000, project_iter=0, loss_diff_thres=1e-5, loss_converge_maxiter=1, verbose=False, init_near_query_instance=False, tie_random=False, stopping_threshold=0.5, posthoc_sparsity_param=0.1, posthoc_sparsity_algorithm="linear"): """Finds counterfactuals by gradient-descent.""" query_instance = self.model.transformer.transform(query_instance).to_numpy() # find the predicted value of query_instance test_pred = self.predict_fn(tf.constant(query_instance, dtype=tf.float32))[0][0] if desired_class == "opposite": desired_class = 1.0 - round(test_pred) self.target_cf_class = np.array([[desired_class]]) self.min_iter = min_iter self.max_iter = max_iter self.project_iter = project_iter self.loss_diff_thres = loss_diff_thres # no. of iterations to wait to confirm that loss has converged self.loss_converge_maxiter = loss_converge_maxiter self.loss_converge_iter = 0 self.converged = False self.stopping_threshold = stopping_threshold if self.target_cf_class[0][0] == 0 and self.stopping_threshold > 0.5: self.stopping_threshold = 0.25 elif self.target_cf_class[0][0] == 1 and self.stopping_threshold < 0.5: self.stopping_threshold = 0.75 # to resolve tie - if multiple levels of an one-hot-encoded categorical variable take value 1 self.tie_random = tie_random # running optimization steps start_time = timeit.default_timer() self.final_cfs = [] # looping the find CFs depending on whether its random initialization or not loop_find_CFs = self.total_random_inits if self.total_random_inits > 0 else 1 # variables to backup best known CFs so far in the optimization process - # if the CFs dont converge in max_iter iterations, then best_backup_cfs is returned. self.best_backup_cfs = [0]*max(self.total_CFs, loop_find_CFs) self.best_backup_cfs_preds = [0]*max(self.total_CFs, loop_find_CFs) self.min_dist_from_threshold = [100]*loop_find_CFs # for backup CFs for loop_ix in range(loop_find_CFs): # CF init if self.total_random_inits > 0: init_arrs = self.initialize_CFs(query_instance, False) else: init_arrs = self.initialize_CFs(query_instance, init_near_query_instance) for i in range(0, self.total_CFs):[i], feed_dict={ self.cf_init: init_arrs[i]}) iterations = 0 loss_diff = 1.0 prev_loss = 0.0 while self.stop_loop(iterations, loss_diff) is False: # gradient descent step _, loss_value = [self.optim_step, self.loss], feed_dict={self.learning_rate: learning_rate, self.target_cf: self.target_cf_class, self.x1: query_instance}) # projection step for j in range(0, self.total_CFs): temp_cf =[j]) clip_cf = np.clip(temp_cf, self.minx, self.maxx) # clipping # to remove -ve sign before 0.0 in some cases clip_cf = np.add(clip_cf, np.array( [np.zeros([self.minx.shape[1]])]))[j], feed_dict={ self.cf_init: clip_cf}) if verbose: if (iterations) % 50 == 0: print('step %d, loss=%g' % (iterations+1, loss_value)) loss_diff = abs(loss_value-prev_loss) prev_loss = loss_value iterations += 1 # backing up CFs if they are valid temp_cfs_stored = self.round_off_cfs(assign=False) test_preds_stored = [self.predict_fn(cf) for cf in temp_cfs_stored] if ((self.target_cf_class[0][0] == 0 and all(i <= self.stopping_threshold for i in test_preds_stored)) or (self.target_cf_class[0][0] == 1 and all(i >= self.stopping_threshold for i in test_preds_stored))): avg_preds_dist = np.mean([abs(pred-self.stopping_threshold) for pred in test_preds_stored]) if avg_preds_dist < self.min_dist_from_threshold[loop_ix]: self.min_dist_from_threshold[loop_ix] = avg_preds_dist for ix in range(self.total_CFs): self.best_backup_cfs[loop_ix+ix] = copy.deepcopy(temp_cfs_stored[ix]) self.best_backup_cfs_preds[loop_ix+ix] = copy.deepcopy(test_preds_stored[ix]) # rounding off final cfs - not necessary when inter_project=True self.round_off_cfs(assign=True) # storing final CFs for j in range(0, self.total_CFs): temp =[j]) self.final_cfs.append(temp) # max iterations at which GD stopped self.max_iterations_run = iterations self.elapsed = timeit.default_timer() - start_time self.cfs_preds = [self.predict_fn(cfs) for cfs in self.final_cfs] # update final_cfs from backed up CFs if valid CFs are not found if ((self.target_cf_class == 0 and any(i[0] > self.stopping_threshold for i in self.cfs_preds)) or (self.target_cf_class == 1 and any(i[0] < self.stopping_threshold for i in self.cfs_preds))): for loop_ix in range(loop_find_CFs): if self.min_dist_from_threshold[loop_ix] != 100: for ix in range(self.total_CFs): self.final_cfs[loop_ix+ix] = copy.deepcopy(self.best_backup_cfs[loop_ix+ix]) self.cfs_preds[loop_ix+ix] = copy.deepcopy(self.best_backup_cfs_preds[loop_ix+ix]) # do inverse transform of CFs to original user-fed format cfs = np.array([self.final_cfs[i][0] for i in range(len(self.final_cfs))]) final_cfs_df = self.model.transformer.inverse_transform( self.data_interface.get_decoded_data(cfs)) cfs_preds = [np.round(preds.flatten().tolist(), 3) for preds in self.cfs_preds] cfs_preds = [item for sublist in cfs_preds for item in sublist] final_cfs_df[self.data_interface.outcome_name] = np.array(cfs_preds) test_instance_df = self.model.transformer.inverse_transform( self.data_interface.get_decoded_data(query_instance)) test_instance_df[self.data_interface.outcome_name] = np.array(np.round(test_pred, 3)) # post-hoc operation on continuous features to enhance sparsity - only for public data if posthoc_sparsity_param is not None and posthoc_sparsity_param > 0 and 'data_df' in self.data_interface.__dict__: final_cfs_df_sparse = final_cfs_df.copy() final_cfs_df_sparse = self.do_posthoc_sparsity_enhancement(final_cfs_df_sparse, test_instance_df, posthoc_sparsity_param, posthoc_sparsity_algorithm, limit_steps_ls) else: final_cfs_df_sparse = None m, s = divmod(self.elapsed, 60) if ((self.target_cf_class == 0 and all(i <= self.stopping_threshold for i in self.cfs_preds)) or (self.target_cf_class == 1 and all(i >= self.stopping_threshold for i in self.cfs_preds))): self.total_CFs_found = max(loop_find_CFs, self.total_CFs) valid_ix = [ix for ix in range(max(loop_find_CFs, self.total_CFs))] # indexes of valid CFs print('Diverse Counterfactuals found! total time taken: %02d' % m, 'min %02d' % s, 'sec') else: self.total_CFs_found = 0 valid_ix = [] # indexes of valid CFs for cf_ix, pred in enumerate(self.cfs_preds): if ((self.target_cf_class == 0 and pred < self.stopping_threshold) or (self.target_cf_class == 1 and pred > self.stopping_threshold)): self.total_CFs_found += 1 valid_ix.append(cf_ix) if self.total_CFs_found == 0: print('No Counterfactuals found for the given configuation, perhaps try with different ' 'values of proximity (or diversity) weights or learning rate...', '; total time taken: %02d' % m, 'min %02d' % s, 'sec') else: print('Only %d (required %d)' % (self.total_CFs_found, max(loop_find_CFs, self.total_CFs)), ' Diverse Counterfactuals found for the given configuation, perhaps try with different' 'values of proximity (or diversity) weights or learning rate...', '; total time taken: %02d' % m, 'min %02d' % s, 'sec') if final_cfs_df_sparse is not None: final_cfs_df_sparse = final_cfs_df_sparse.iloc[valid_ix].reset_index(drop=True) # returning only valid CFs return final_cfs_df.iloc[valid_ix].reset_index(drop=True), test_instance_df, final_cfs_df_sparse