dice_ml.explainer_interfaces package


dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.dice_KD module

Module to generate counterfactual explanations from a KD-Tree This code is similar to ‘Interpretable Counterfactual Explanations Guided by Prototypes’: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1907.02584.pdf

class dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.dice_KD.DiceKD(data_interface, model_interface)[source]

Bases: ExplainerBase

do_sparsity_check(cfs, query_instance, sparsity_weight)[source]
duplicates(cfs, final_indices, i)[source]
find_counterfactuals(data_df_copy, query_instance, query_instance_orig, desired_range, desired_class, total_CFs, features_to_vary, permitted_range, sparsity_weight, stopping_threshold, posthoc_sparsity_param, posthoc_sparsity_algorithm, verbose, limit_steps_ls)[source]

Finds counterfactuals by querying a K-D tree for the nearest data points in the desired class from the dataset.


returns predictions


Returns prediction scores.

vary_valid(KD_query_instance, total_CFs, features_to_vary, permitted_range, query_instance, sparsity_weight)[source]

This function ensures that we only vary features_to_vary when generating counterfactuals

dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.dice_genetic module

Module to generate diverse counterfactual explanations based on genetic algorithm This code is similar to ‘GeCo: Quality Counterfactual Explanations in Real Time’: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2101.01292.pdf

class dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.dice_genetic.DiceGenetic(data_interface, model_interface)[source]

Bases: ExplainerBase

compute_loss(cfs, desired_range, desired_class)[source]

Computes the overall loss

compute_proximity_loss(x_hat_unnormalized, query_instance_normalized)[source]

Compute weighted distance between two vectors.


Compute weighted distance between two vectors.

compute_yloss(cfs, desired_range, desired_class)[source]

Computes the first part (y-loss) of the loss function.

do_KD_init(features_to_vary, query_instance, cfs, desired_class, desired_range)[source]
do_cf_initializations(total_CFs, initialization, algorithm, features_to_vary, desired_range, desired_class, query_instance, query_instance_df_dummies, verbose)[source]

Intializes CFs and other related variables.

do_loss_initializations(yloss_type, diversity_loss_type, feature_weights, encoding='one-hot')[source]

Intializes variables related to main loss function

do_param_initializations(total_CFs, initialization, desired_range, desired_class, query_instance, query_instance_df_dummies, algorithm, features_to_vary, permitted_range, yloss_type, diversity_loss_type, feature_weights, proximity_weight, sparsity_weight, diversity_weight, categorical_penalty, verbose)[source]
do_random_init(num_inits, features_to_vary, query_instance, desired_class, desired_range)[source]
find_counterfactuals(query_instance, desired_range, desired_class, features_to_vary, maxiterations, thresh, verbose)[source]

Finds counterfactuals by generating cfs through the genetic algorithm


Transforms label encoded data back to categorical values

mate(k1, k2, features_to_vary, query_instance)[source]

Performs mating and produces new offsprings


Returns actual prediction.


Returns prediction scores.

update_hyperparameters(proximity_weight, sparsity_weight, diversity_weight, categorical_penalty)[source]

Update hyperparameters of the loss function

dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.dice_pytorch module

Module to generate diverse counterfactual explanations based on PyTorch framework

class dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.dice_pytorch.DicePyTorch(data_interface, model_interface)[source]

Bases: ExplainerBase

compute_dist(x_hat, x1)[source]

Compute weighted distance between two vectors.


Computes the third part (diversity) of the loss function.


Computes the overall loss


Compute the second part (distance from x1) of the loss function.


Adds a linear equality constraints to the loss functions - to ensure all levels of a categorical variable sums to one


Computes the first part (y-loss) of the loss function.

do_cf_initializations(total_CFs, algorithm, features_to_vary)[source]

Intializes CFs and other related variables.

do_loss_initializations(yloss_type, diversity_loss_type, feature_weights)[source]

Intializes variables related to main loss function

do_optimizer_initializations(optimizer, learning_rate)[source]

Initializes gradient-based PyTorch optimizers.


Computes the DPP of a matrix.

find_counterfactuals(query_instance, desired_class, optimizer, learning_rate, min_iter, max_iter, project_iter, loss_diff_thres, loss_converge_maxiter, verbose, init_near_query_instance, tie_random, stopping_threshold, posthoc_sparsity_param, posthoc_sparsity_algorithm, limit_steps_ls)[source]

Finds counterfactuals by gradient-descent.

get_model_output(input_instance, transform_data=False, out_tensor=True)[source]

get output probability of ML model

initialize_CFs(query_instance, init_near_query_instance=False)[source]

Initialize counterfactuals.


prediction function


prediction function for sparsity correction


function for intermediate projection of CFs.

stop_loop(itr, loss_diff)[source]

Determines the stopping condition for gradient descent.

update_hyperparameters(proximity_weight, diversity_weight, categorical_penalty)[source]

Update hyperparameters of the loss function

dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.dice_random module

Module to generate diverse counterfactual explanations based on random sampling. A simple implementation.

class dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.dice_random.DiceRandom(data_interface, model_interface)[source]

Bases: ExplainerBase

get_continuous_samples(low, high, precision, size=1000, seed=None)[source]
get_samples(fixed_features_values, feature_range, sampling_random_seed, sampling_size)[source]

dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.dice_tensorflow1 module

Module to generate diverse counterfactual explanations based on tensorflow 1.x

class dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.dice_tensorflow1.DiceTensorFlow1(data_interface, model_interface)[source]

Bases: ExplainerBase

compute_dist(x_hat, x1)[source]

Compute weighted distance between two vectors.


Computes the third part (diversity) of the loss function.


Compute the second part (distance from x1) of the loss function.


Adds a linear equality constraints to the loss functions - to ensure all levels of a categorical variable sums to one


Computes the first part (y-loss) of the loss function.

do_cf_initializations(total_CFs, algorithm, features_to_vary)[source]

Intializes TF variables required for CF generation.

do_loss_initializations(yloss_type='hinge_loss', diversity_loss_type='dpp_style:inverse_dist', feature_weights='inverse_mad')[source]

Defines the optimization loss


Initializes gradient-based TF optimizers.


Computes the DPP of a matrix.

find_counterfactuals(query_instance, limit_steps_ls, desired_class='opposite', learning_rate=0.05, min_iter=500, max_iter=5000, project_iter=0, loss_diff_thres=1e-05, loss_converge_maxiter=1, verbose=False, init_near_query_instance=False, tie_random=False, stopping_threshold=0.5, posthoc_sparsity_param=0.1, posthoc_sparsity_algorithm='linear')[source]

Finds counterfactuals by gradient-descent.

generate_counterfactuals(query_instance, total_CFs, desired_class='opposite', proximity_weight=0.5, diversity_weight=1.0, categorical_penalty=0.1, algorithm='DiverseCF', features_to_vary='all', permitted_range=None, yloss_type='hinge_loss', diversity_loss_type='dpp_style:inverse_dist', feature_weights='inverse_mad', optimizer='tensorflow:adam', learning_rate=0.05, min_iter=500, max_iter=5000, project_iter=0, loss_diff_thres=1e-05, loss_converge_maxiter=1, verbose=False, init_near_query_instance=True, tie_random=False, stopping_threshold=0.5, posthoc_sparsity_param=0.1, posthoc_sparsity_algorithm='linear', limit_steps_ls=10000)[source]

Generates diverse counterfactual explanations

  • query_instance – Test point of interest. A dictionary of feature names and values or a single row dataframe.

  • total_CFs – Total number of counterfactuals required.

  • desired_class – Desired counterfactual class - can take 0 or 1. Default value is “opposite” to the outcome class of query_instance for binary classification.

  • proximity_weight – A positive float. Larger this weight, more close the counterfactuals are to the query_instance.

  • diversity_weight – A positive float. Larger this weight, more diverse the counterfactuals are.

  • categorical_penalty – A positive float. A weight to ensure that all levels of a categorical variable sums to 1.

  • algorithm – Counterfactual generation algorithm. Either “DiverseCF” or “RandomInitCF”.

  • features_to_vary – Either a string “all” or a list of feature names to vary.

  • permitted_range – Dictionary with continuous feature names as keys and permitted min-max range in list as values. Defaults to the range inferred from training data. If None, uses the parameters initialized in data_interface.

  • yloss_type – Metric for y-loss of the optimization function. Takes “l2_loss” or “log_loss” or “hinge_loss”.

  • diversity_loss_type – Metric for diversity loss of the optimization function. Takes “avg_dist” or “dpp_style:inverse_dist”.

  • feature_weights – Either “inverse_mad” or a dictionary with feature names as keys and corresponding weights as values. Default option is “inverse_mad” where the weight for a continuous feature is the inverse of the Median Absolute Devidation (MAD) of the feature’s values in the training set; the weight for a categorical feature is equal to 1 by default.

  • optimizer – Tensorflow optimization algorithm. Currently tested only with “tensorflow:adam”.

  • learning_rate – Learning rate for optimizer.

  • min_iter – Min iterations to run gradient descent for.

  • max_iter – Max iterations to run gradient descent for.

  • project_iter – Project the gradients at an interval of these many iterations.

  • loss_diff_thres – Minimum difference between successive loss values to check convergence.

  • loss_converge_maxiter – Maximum number of iterations for loss_diff_thres to hold to declare convergence. Defaults to 1, but we assigned a more conservative value of 2 in the paper.

  • verbose – Print intermediate loss value.

  • init_near_query_instance – Boolean to indicate if counterfactuals are to be initialized near query_instance.

  • tie_random – Used in rounding off CFs and intermediate projection.

  • stopping_threshold – Minimum threshold for counterfactuals target class probability.

  • posthoc_sparsity_param – Parameter for the post-hoc operation on continuous features to enhance sparsity.

  • posthoc_sparsity_algorithm – Perform either linear or binary search. Takes “linear” or “binary”. Prefer binary search when a feature range is large (for instance, income varying from 10k to 1000k) and only if the features share a monotonic relationship with predicted outcome in the model.

  • limit_steps_ls – Defines an upper limit for the linear search step in the posthoc_sparsity_enhancement


A CounterfactualExamples object to store and visualize the resulting counterfactual explanations (see diverse_counterfactuals.py).

initialize_CFs(query_instance, init_near_query_instance=False)[source]

Initialize counterfactuals.


prediction function


prediction function for sparsity correction


function for intermediate projection of CFs.

stop_loop(itr, loss_diff)[source]

Determines the stopping condition for gradient descent.


Initializes tensorflow optimizers.

update_hyperparameters(proximity_weight=0.5, diversity_weight=0.5, categorical_penalty=0.1)[source]

Updates hyperparameters.

dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.dice_tensorflow2 module

Module to generate diverse counterfactual explanations based on tensorflow 2.x

class dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.dice_tensorflow2.DiceTensorFlow2(data_interface, model_interface)[source]

Bases: ExplainerBase

compute_dist(x_hat, x1)[source]

Compute weighted distance between two vectors.


Computes the third part (diversity) of the loss function.


Computes the overall loss


Compute the second part (distance from x1) of the loss function.


Adds a linear equality constraints to the loss functions - to ensure all levels of a categorical variable sums to one


Computes the first part (y-loss) of the loss function.

do_cf_initializations(total_CFs, algorithm, features_to_vary)[source]

Intializes CFs and other related variables.

do_loss_initializations(yloss_type, diversity_loss_type, feature_weights)[source]

Intializes variables related to main loss function

do_optimizer_initializations(optimizer, learning_rate)[source]

Initializes gradient-based TensorFLow optimizers.


Computes the DPP of a matrix.

find_counterfactuals(query_instance, desired_class, optimizer, learning_rate, min_iter, max_iter, project_iter, loss_diff_thres, loss_converge_maxiter, verbose, init_near_query_instance, tie_random, stopping_threshold, posthoc_sparsity_param, posthoc_sparsity_algorithm, limit_steps_ls)[source]

Finds counterfactuals by gradient-descent.

generate_counterfactuals(query_instance, total_CFs, desired_class='opposite', proximity_weight=0.5, diversity_weight=1.0, categorical_penalty=0.1, algorithm='DiverseCF', features_to_vary='all', permitted_range=None, yloss_type='hinge_loss', diversity_loss_type='dpp_style:inverse_dist', feature_weights='inverse_mad', optimizer='tensorflow:adam', learning_rate=0.05, min_iter=500, max_iter=5000, project_iter=0, loss_diff_thres=1e-05, loss_converge_maxiter=1, verbose=False, init_near_query_instance=True, tie_random=False, stopping_threshold=0.5, posthoc_sparsity_param=0.1, posthoc_sparsity_algorithm='linear', limit_steps_ls=10000)[source]

Generates diverse counterfactual explanations

  • query_instance – Test point of interest. A dictionary of feature names and values or a single row dataframe

  • total_CFs – Total number of counterfactuals required.

  • desired_class – Desired counterfactual class - can take 0 or 1. Default value is “opposite” to the outcome class of query_instance for binary classification.

  • proximity_weight – A positive float. Larger this weight, more close the counterfactuals are to the query_instance.

  • diversity_weight – A positive float. Larger this weight, more diverse the counterfactuals are.

  • categorical_penalty – A positive float. A weight to ensure that all levels of a categorical variable sums to 1.

  • algorithm – Counterfactual generation algorithm. Either “DiverseCF” or “RandomInitCF”.

  • features_to_vary – Either a string “all” or a list of feature names to vary.

  • permitted_range – Dictionary with continuous feature names as keys and permitted min-max range in list as values. Defaults to the range inferred from training data. If None, uses the parameters initialized in data_interface.

  • yloss_type – Metric for y-loss of the optimization function. Takes “l2_loss” or “log_loss” or “hinge_loss”.

  • diversity_loss_type – Metric for diversity loss of the optimization function. Takes “avg_dist” or “dpp_style:inverse_dist”.

  • feature_weights – Either “inverse_mad” or a dictionary with feature names as keys and corresponding weights as values. Default option is “inverse_mad” where the weight for a continuous feature is the inverse of the Median Absolute Devidation (MAD) of the feature’s values in the training set; the weight for a categorical feature is equal to 1 by default.

  • optimizer – Tensorflow optimization algorithm. Currently tested only with “tensorflow:adam”.

  • learning_rate – Learning rate for optimizer.

  • min_iter – Min iterations to run gradient descent for.

  • max_iter – Max iterations to run gradient descent for.

  • project_iter – Project the gradients at an interval of these many iterations.

  • loss_diff_thres – Minimum difference between successive loss values to check convergence.

  • loss_converge_maxiter – Maximum number of iterations for loss_diff_thres to hold to declare convergence. Defaults to 1, but we assigned a more conservative value of 2 in the paper.

  • verbose – Print intermediate loss value.

  • init_near_query_instance – Boolean to indicate if counterfactuals are to be initialized near query_instance.

  • tie_random – Used in rounding off CFs and intermediate projection.

  • stopping_threshold – Minimum threshold for counterfactuals target class probability.

  • posthoc_sparsity_param – Parameter for the post-hoc operation on continuous features to enhance sparsity.

  • posthoc_sparsity_algorithm – Perform either linear or binary search. Takes “linear” or “binary”. Prefer binary search when a feature range is large (for instance, income varying from 10k to 1000k) and only if the features share a monotonic relationship with predicted outcome in the model.

  • limit_steps_ls – Defines an upper limit for the linear search step in the posthoc_sparsity_enhancement


A CounterfactualExamples object to store and visualize the resulting counterfactual explanations (see diverse_counterfactuals.py).

initialize_CFs(query_instance, init_near_query_instance=False)[source]

Initialize counterfactuals.


prediction function


prediction function for sparsity correction


function for intermediate projection of CFs.

stop_loop(itr, loss_diff)[source]

Determines the stopping condition for gradient descent.

update_hyperparameters(proximity_weight, diversity_weight, categorical_penalty)[source]

Update hyperparameters of the loss function

dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.explainer_base module

Module containing a template class to generate counterfactual explanations. Subclasses implement interfaces for different ML frameworks such as TensorFlow or PyTorch. All methods are in dice_ml.explainer_interfaces

class dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.explainer_base.ExplainerBase(data_interface, model_interface=None)[source]

Bases: ABC

build_KD_tree(data_df_copy, desired_range, desired_class, predicted_outcome_name)[source]

checks permitted range for continuous features TODO: add comments as to where this is used if this function is necessary, else remove.

check_query_instance_validity(features_to_vary, permitted_range, query_instance, feature_ranges_orig)[source]
decode_to_original_labels(test_instance_df, final_cfs_df, final_cfs_df_sparse)[source]
static deserialize_explainer(path)[source]

Reload the explainer into the memory by reading the file specified by path.

Performs a binary search between continuous features of a CF and corresponding values in query_instance until the prediction class changes.

Performs a greedy linear search - moves the continuous features in CFs towards original values in query_instance greedily until the prediction class changes, or it reaches the maximum number of steps

do_posthoc_sparsity_enhancement(final_cfs_sparse, query_instance, posthoc_sparsity_param, posthoc_sparsity_algorithm, limit_steps_ls)[source]

Post-hoc method to encourage sparsity in a generated counterfactuals.

  • final_cfs_sparse – Final CFs in original user-fed format, in a pandas dataframe.

  • query_instance – Query instance in original user-fed format, in a pandas dataframe.

  • posthoc_sparsity_param – Parameter for the post-hoc operation on continuous features to enhance sparsity.

  • posthoc_sparsity_algorithm – Perform either linear or binary search. Prefer binary search when a feature range is large (for instance, income varying from 10k to 1000k) and only if the features share a monotonic relationship with predicted outcome in the model.

  • limit_steps_ls – Defines the limit of steps to be done in the linear search, necessary to avoid infinite loops

feature_importance(query_instances, cf_examples_list=None, total_CFs=10, local_importance=True, global_importance=True, desired_class='opposite', desired_range=None, permitted_range=None, features_to_vary='all', stopping_threshold=0.5, posthoc_sparsity_param=0.1, posthoc_sparsity_algorithm='linear', **kwargs)[source]

Estimate feature importance scores for the given inputs.

  • query_instances – A list of inputs for which to compute the feature importances. These can be provided as a dataframe.

  • cf_examples_list – If precomputed, a list of counterfactual examples for every input point. If cf_examples_list is provided, then all the following parameters are ignored.

  • total_CFs – The number of counterfactuals to generate per input (default is 10)

  • other_parameters – These are the same as the generate_counterfactuals method.


An object of class CounterfactualExplanations that includes the list of counterfactuals per input, local feature importances per input, and the global feature importance summarized over all inputs.

generate_counterfactuals(query_instances, total_CFs, desired_class='opposite', desired_range=None, permitted_range=None, features_to_vary='all', stopping_threshold=0.5, posthoc_sparsity_param=0.1, proximity_weight=0.2, sparsity_weight=0.2, diversity_weight=5.0, categorical_penalty=0.1, posthoc_sparsity_algorithm='linear', verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]

General method for generating counterfactuals.

  • query_instances – Input point(s) for which counterfactuals are to be generated. This can be a dataframe with one or more rows.

  • total_CFs – Total number of counterfactuals required.

  • desired_class – Desired counterfactual class - can take 0 or 1. Default value is “opposite” to the outcome class of query_instance for binary classification.

  • desired_range – For regression problems. Contains the outcome range to generate counterfactuals in. This should be a list of two numbers in ascending order.

  • permitted_range – Dictionary with feature names as keys and permitted range in list as values. Defaults to the range inferred from training data. If None, uses the parameters initialized in data_interface.

  • features_to_vary – Either a string “all” or a list of feature names to vary.

  • stopping_threshold – Minimum threshold for counterfactuals target class probability.

  • proximity_weight – A positive float. Larger this weight, more close the counterfactuals are to the query_instance. Used by [‘genetic’, ‘gradientdescent’], ignored by [‘random’, ‘kdtree’] methods.

  • sparsity_weight – A positive float. Larger this weight, less features are changed from the query_instance. Used by [‘genetic’, ‘kdtree’], ignored by [‘random’, ‘gradientdescent’] methods.

  • diversity_weight – A positive float. Larger this weight, more diverse the counterfactuals are. Used by [‘genetic’, ‘gradientdescent’], ignored by [‘random’, ‘kdtree’] methods.

  • categorical_penalty – A positive float. A weight to ensure that all levels of a categorical variable sums to 1. Used by [‘genetic’, ‘gradientdescent’], ignored by [‘random’, ‘kdtree’] methods.

  • posthoc_sparsity_param – Parameter for the post-hoc operation on continuous features to enhance sparsity.

  • posthoc_sparsity_algorithm – Perform either linear or binary search. Takes “linear” or “binary”. Prefer binary search when a feature range is large (for instance, income varying from 10k to 1000k) and only if the features share a monotonic relationship with predicted outcome in the model.

  • verbose – Whether to output detailed messages.

  • sample_size – Sampling size

  • random_seed – Random seed for reproducibility

  • kwargs – Other parameters accepted by specific explanation method


A CounterfactualExplanations object that contains the list of counterfactual examples per query_instance as one of its attributes.

global_feature_importance(query_instances, cf_examples_list=None, total_CFs=10, local_importance=True, desired_class='opposite', desired_range=None, permitted_range=None, features_to_vary='all', stopping_threshold=0.5, posthoc_sparsity_param=0.1, posthoc_sparsity_algorithm='linear', **kwargs)[source]

Estimate global feature importance scores for the given inputs.

  • query_instances – A list of inputs for which to compute the feature importances. These can be provided as a dataframe.

  • cf_examples_list – If precomputed, a list of counterfactual examples for every input point. If cf_examples_list is provided, then all the following parameters are ignored.

  • total_CFs – The number of counterfactuals to generate per input (default is 10)

  • local_importance – Binary flag indicating whether local feature importance values should also be returned for each query instance.

  • other_parameters – These are the same as the generate_counterfactuals method.


An object of class CounterfactualExplanations that includes the list of counterfactuals per input, local feature importances per input, and the global feature importance summarized over all inputs.

infer_target_cfs_class(desired_class_input, original_pred, num_output_nodes)[source]

Infer the target class for generating CFs. Only called when model_type==”classifier”. TODO: Add support for opposite desired class in multiclass. Downstream methods should decide whether it is allowed or not.


Check if a cf belongs to the target class or target range.

local_feature_importance(query_instances, cf_examples_list=None, total_CFs=10, desired_class='opposite', desired_range=None, permitted_range=None, features_to_vary='all', stopping_threshold=0.5, posthoc_sparsity_param=0.1, posthoc_sparsity_algorithm='linear', **kwargs)[source]

Estimate local feature importance scores for the given inputs.

  • query_instances – A list of inputs for which to compute the feature importances. These can be provided as a dataframe.

  • cf_examples_list – If precomputed, a list of counterfactual examples for every input point. If cf_examples_list is provided, then all the following parameters are ignored.

  • total_CFs – The number of counterfactuals to generate per input (default is 10)

  • other_parameters – These are the same as the generate_counterfactuals method.


An object of class CounterfactualExplanations that includes the list of counterfactuals per input, local feature importances per input, and the global feature importance summarized over all inputs.

misc_init(stopping_threshold, desired_class, desired_range, test_pred)[source]

prediction function


prediction function for sparsity correction


Serialize the explainer to the file specified by path.

setup(features_to_vary, permitted_range, query_instance, feature_weights)[source]

This is used in VAE-based CF explainers.

dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.feasible_base_vae module

class dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.feasible_base_vae.FeasibleBaseVAE(data_interface, model_interface, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ExplainerBase

compute_loss(model_out, x, target_label)[source]
generate_counterfactuals(query_instance, total_CFs, desired_class='opposite')[source]

General method for generating counterfactuals.

  • query_instances – Input point(s) for which counterfactuals are to be generated. This can be a dataframe with one or more rows.

  • total_CFs – Total number of counterfactuals required.

  • desired_class – Desired counterfactual class - can take 0 or 1. Default value is “opposite” to the outcome class of query_instance for binary classification.

  • desired_range – For regression problems. Contains the outcome range to generate counterfactuals in. This should be a list of two numbers in ascending order.

  • permitted_range – Dictionary with feature names as keys and permitted range in list as values. Defaults to the range inferred from training data. If None, uses the parameters initialized in data_interface.

  • features_to_vary – Either a string “all” or a list of feature names to vary.

  • stopping_threshold – Minimum threshold for counterfactuals target class probability.

  • proximity_weight – A positive float. Larger this weight, more close the counterfactuals are to the query_instance. Used by [‘genetic’, ‘gradientdescent’], ignored by [‘random’, ‘kdtree’] methods.

  • sparsity_weight – A positive float. Larger this weight, less features are changed from the query_instance. Used by [‘genetic’, ‘kdtree’], ignored by [‘random’, ‘gradientdescent’] methods.

  • diversity_weight – A positive float. Larger this weight, more diverse the counterfactuals are. Used by [‘genetic’, ‘gradientdescent’], ignored by [‘random’, ‘kdtree’] methods.

  • categorical_penalty – A positive float. A weight to ensure that all levels of a categorical variable sums to 1. Used by [‘genetic’, ‘gradientdescent’], ignored by [‘random’, ‘kdtree’] methods.

  • posthoc_sparsity_param – Parameter for the post-hoc operation on continuous features to enhance sparsity.

  • posthoc_sparsity_algorithm – Perform either linear or binary search. Takes “linear” or “binary”. Prefer binary search when a feature range is large (for instance, income varying from 10k to 1000k) and only if the features share a monotonic relationship with predicted outcome in the model.

  • verbose – Whether to output detailed messages.

  • sample_size – Sampling size

  • random_seed – Random seed for reproducibility

  • kwargs – Other parameters accepted by specific explanation method


A CounterfactualExplanations object that contains the list of counterfactual examples per query_instance as one of its attributes.


pre_trained: Bool Variable to check whether pre trained model exists to avoid training again

dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.feasible_model_approx module

class dice_ml.explainer_interfaces.feasible_model_approx.FeasibleModelApprox(data_interface, model_interface, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: FeasibleBaseVAE, ExplainerBase

train(constraint_type, constraint_variables, constraint_direction, constraint_reg, pre_trained=False)[source]
  • pre_trained – Bool Variable to check whether pre trained model exists to avoid training again

  • constraint_type – Binary Variable currently: (1) unary / (0) monotonic

  • constraint_variables – List of List: [[Effect, Cause1, Cause2, …. ]]

  • constraint_direction – -1: Negative, 1: Positive ( By default has to be one for monotonic constraints )

  • constraint_reg – Tunable Hyperparamter

:return None

Module contents