
Clone the code

git clone

(Optional) Create a conda environment and activate it

conda create --name ENV_NAME python=3.10

conda activate ENV_NAME

Install `interpret` with every dependency

cd interpret/scripts

make install

cd ../python/interpret-core

pip install -e .[debug,notebook,plotly,lime,sensitivity,shap,linear,skoperules,treeinterpreter,dash,testing]

Run Unit Tests

cd interpret/scripts

make test

It is also possible to run the specific unit tests for Native code / Python:

Build and run interpret/shared/libebm/tests

cd interpret/python/interpret-core

python -m pytest

To run all tests add the parameter --runslow

python -m pytest –runslow

  1. Install the Text Explorer UI extension

  2. Open the Command Palette (e.g. press F1)

  3. (Optional) If a conda environment is being used choose Python: Select Interpreter and select the correct environment

  4. Choose Python: Configure Tests and select pytest

  5. Select the root folder as interpret/python

  6. Once you have chosen the test framework, you should be able to open the Test Explorer Extension and run all Python unit tests

    • To see the output of a test go to the Output Window –> Python Test Log

    • Some tests depend on C++ code, so it should be installed